28 Mar No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man
Five Ton Crane is profiled in the New York Times! So proud of my friends and what we have been able to create for this occasion (and everything leading to it). I visited the Renwick Gallery back in 2008 when I was in town to participate on a creative jury for a show at the Bead Museum of DC. Little did I know that 10 years later that said scrappy museum would be gone and I would be finding my work presented with that of my friends in the museum dedicated by the Smithsonian to showcase American craft.
The article highlights pieces commissioned for the show, including that of Five Ton Crane. Read to the end to see two preview pictures of our creation, the Capitol Theater, an Art Deco movie house on the back of a big red bus. The photo of the theater seats is such a tease for me–I designed the decorative steel endcaps just out of view in the image. I’ll be looking forward to sharing images of those as well as more of the rest of this gorgeously detailed piece after the show opens next week.
Grateful for the opportunity and the hard work of many friends over many years to make this possible. Well done Five Ton Crane. See you in D.C.