It's that time again folks.  The makers that brought you the Steampunk Treehouse have been busy imagineering.  An incredible community was built around the construction of this piece of art and now it's time for us to build something new. Something big.  Something sleek and...

I'm happy to announce my first teaching tour of Europe, coming this June.  I'll be teaching workshops in Switzerland, Spain and France.  I've given major workshops in 20 cities and towns across the United States and Canada but this will be my first overseas tour. I'm...

These pieces are nearly finished.  I have begun to shape them with a file in this picture from this morning, a process which has since been completed.  They have now also been sanded and are on their way to the tumbler, after which I will...

Here are more small parts.  I'm currently working on using pieces like these as tools to create an intermediate set of forms and will also start building finished beads and jewelry forms that incorporate these actual parts.  I don't call this blog Many Parts for...