People always ask me why I have such a freakin' weird name. Well, I say, Dubendorfer gets off the boat, says "hello America," and America says "hello Diffendaffer, sign here." And that was that. I feel very privileged to be returning to the land...

Some of these fantastic pieces are space pennants, which were created to travel aboard actual spacecraft as a sort of time capsule and proof of passage.  Both Soviet and American spacecraft carried such pieces, which were designed to survive planetary impact, even to the extent...

Humanity has been looking forward to the age of the jetpack for some years now.  Sometimes the results are beautiful utopias that may yet materialize.  More often are humorous and naive dreams.  Paleo-Future Blog brings it all to you. Still waiting for your flying car? Ready to...

I've been searching the universe for out  of this world visual inspiration, and I've found a solid gold planet's worth.  Italian Fabio Femino's web archive is f'ing full of futurism.  From pulp novels to magazine cover's to official space agency illustrations, he's got it all--page after page after f'ing page. It's where fact meets theory meets art: paulman-copy Where the sublime and frightening beauty of outer space meets action, adventure, and stylish spacesuits: [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="1695,1687"] Only among lustrous tomes like this 1926 Amazing Stories will you find the likes of H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, and Edgar Allen Poe all sharing a cover with ice skating space monkeys of Titan: PAUL6-copy Did I mention skin tight space suits?