I just returned from Southern California where I, along with the rest of the amazing Treehouse crew enjoyed two fantastic weeks in the desert, where we installed the Steampunk Treehouse for the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals. Have a look at this incredible three dimensional...

I'm still making jewelry, though I have been busy with other things lately. As soon as I started my blog I found myself making a career expansion, and not having the time to blog that I had hoped for. Studio time is harder to come...

I'm back home from Baltimore and have been consuming nature like candy. I can't believe how lucky I am to live where I do. Yesterday I sat in pygmy redwoods--the easternmost in the San Francisco Bay area. I was struck by a...

It started at home with the Northern California Bead Society, went on to Tucson AZ for the Best Bead Show, and is rolling out to Synergy on Thursday. Synergy is the conference of the National Polymer Clay Guild, and it runs from Feb 21-23 in...