The beauty of photogrammetry is the ability to create a 3D model from ordinary photographs. This opens up great opportunity to people who could use such models for 3D printing or digital media but don't know how to design with CAD. How could this be better? Well, you don't even have to take the photos yourself.

If you can download photos, you can 3D model.  Try Google Images, Flickr, etc., to gather a collection of photos of a given subject.  Upload them into software like Memento--hey presto, 3D model. Check out the following Manhattan model I made while developing this 3D printed sculpture (photos from Google Earth):

Similarly, I'm modeling a Gaudí designed gate in Barcelona via crowd-sourced imagery. Finca Güell:

Are you enjoying Autodesk Memento? Now is your chance to give some feedback to the development team via the Stanford Creative Ignition Lab. We would be grateful if you would Take the Survey. What might you do with Memento? I modeled these giant freighters automatically from just 150 photos:

This video was created automatically by Memento by setting "Key Frame" views for the camera to fly though (an option presenting opportunity to filmakers and animators). Video can be exported at ultra high resolution (up to 4K). The original model was a carved wooden horse. I...