24 May Updated Photogrammetry Collection
As you may know, my great love, next to 3D printing, is photogrammetry, a.k.a. reality capture. I have been working on them side by side for over 10 years, with printing being the perfect path from digital to physical, and reality capture doing the opposite.
My reality capture collection currently spans about 10 years of shooting, numbers about 30,000 photos and many many models. I’ve been putting my best models up on Sketchfab, and there are 40 up for your viewing now–including a dozen new ones and more to come.
You can view the model that I created for the Gods in Color exhibit at the Legion of Honor. Be sure to check out both the capture of the Parthenon panel plaster, as well as the colored version I created in Zbrush to project onto the plaster at the museum show.
There is also, of course, Storied Haven, which I turned into a short film last December.
I’ll be posting more about these models in the upcoming days, so stay tuned! Better yet, Follow me on Sketchfab!