In keeping with the dinosaur theme in yesterday's post, I thought I'd follow up with this look at how the world's favorite digital sculpting software is used by the masters. I.L.M was founded by George Lucas in 1975 and continues to be at the forefront...
Further evidencing that 3D printing can play a part in a manual craft process rather than simply replacing it, Adam Beane Industries has announced a forthcoming sculptable 3D printing filament. [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" link="none" ids="2473,2472,2471"] The material hardens at room temperature but becomes sculptable at 125 degrees...
This video was created automatically by Memento by setting "Key Frame" views for the camera to fly though (an option presenting opportunity to filmakers and animators). Video can be exported at ultra high resolution (up to 4K). The original model was a carved wooden horse. I...